Childhood Vaccinations
Our practice feels very strongly about the importance of having vaccinations, especially the childhood vaccinations. If you are joining this practice with your children, we will expect your children to have all of their immunisations. These infections that the vaccines prevent are real. They can make your child seriously unwell, risking lifetime disability and death. If your child contracts one of these serious infections they also risk passing it onto other family members, school friends, and vulnerable members of the practice if they were to attend here when unwell.
It is extremely frustrating that a number of parents are putting their children at risk of serious harm because they choose to believe extreme sections of social media rather than their qualified family doctor and the vast majority of health professionals. If you decide against vaccinating your child, it's important to understand the potential risks involved, including the possibility of contracting infections or affecting the health of others. Embracing this responsibility is a part of making informed choices, and we encourage you to seriously consider the impact on both your child and the community.
This is a link showing the NHS childhood vaccination schedule: NHS vaccinations and when to have them - NHS
This is a link to more NHS information, including a video, giving information on vaccination safety: Why vaccination is important and the safest way to protect yourself - NHS