Practice News

10th Mar

Retirement: Dr A R J Parry

The Practice wishes to inform you that Dr Parry, our Executive Partner, will be retiring from the practice at the end of March.

Dr Parry has worked for Hall Grove Group Practice for the past 30 years. Patients on Dr Parry’s ‘List’ will be transferred to our newest partner Dr Stella Vasanth who we are sure will provide continuity in similar areas of clinical care.

We would like to thank him for his years of service and wish him well for his future endeavors. 


Hall Grove Group Practice

a close up of a computer keyboard
1st Oct 2024

New Partner at Hall Grove Group Practice: Dr Vasanth

We are extremely happy to announce that we have a new GP Partner who has started with us at Hall Grove Group Practice. Dr Vasanth started on the 1st September with the practice and works on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. She was previously a GP registrar at Hall Grove Group Practice and since qualifying has been a locum GP working in practices in and around Hertfordshire.

We look forward to welcoming and working along side her to provide high quality care for our patients.

Thank You


Hall Grove Group Practice

24th Sep 2024

Coping with Dementia: 2nd October 2024

Click here for more details: Coping with Dementia: 2nd October 2024

9th Sep 2024

Partner Retirement: Message from Dr Beata MacDougall


Dear Patients,

It is with mixed emotions that I want to let you know that after over 25 years at Hallgrove surgery I will be retiring from my role at the practice at the end of September.

It has been a great privilege to work as a  GP in this practice; thank you for the trust you have placed in me over the years.

My responsibilities will be taken over by the wonderful team of remaining Partners, and my patients care transferred into the trusted hands of Dr Maroo.

I wish you the best of health and happiness.


Warm regards,

Dr Beata MacDougall

25th Jul 2024

NHS GP Patient Survey

Dear Patients,

Re: NHS GP Patient Survey Outcome

Thank you to all our patients who took part in the survey. We scored 84% for the overall patient experience describing our GP practice as good. The local GP surgery average was 72% and the national average was 74%. 

We would like to thank all the staff at Hall Grove Group Practice for the hard work they do. 

The management team will now be looking in closer detail of the results to implement a plan to continue improving on the patient experience.

Thank You

Hall Grove Group Practice
25th July 2024

19th Jul 2024

Service Update 19/07 11:00

Our system remains down. Please continue to attend your booked appointments today and we will try and do what we can during these appointments. For some it may mean rebooking next week. 

If you have an urgent medical problem requiring a GP appointment please come to Hall Grove Surgery and give your details to the reception team and we will ask you to wait at the surgery and one of the duty doctors will see you.

Other services available:

1. QE2 UTC:

2. Pharmacy First:

3. NHS 111:

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hall Grove Group Practice

Latest News
19th Jul 2024

Service Update 19/07 08:00

Dear All, 

Unfortunately our EMIS (Patients Records System) is down. This is a national problem and we are awaiting an update with regards to it working again.

Due to the systems being down we will be reverting to asking patients who needs an urgent on the day appointment to come to Hall Grove Surgery, give their details to the reception staff and sit and wait and we will see you in time order.

Other services available:

1. QE2 UTC:

2. Pharmacy First:

3. NHS 111:

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hall Grove Group Practice

17th Jun 2024

Patients Voice Recruitment

We want to hear from our Patients!

Get involved as a patient of Hall Grove Group Practice

Patients’ Voice needs more members. If you have views on our GP services this is an opportunity for you to get involved in supporting the practice. If you are over 16 and registered as a patient with the Hall Grove Group Practice you can join us.

You can be a member of Patients’ Voice in three ways

  • You can attend face to face monthly meetings of Patients’ Voice and meetings with members of the practice.
  • You can receive news and information about Patients’ Voice and the practice by email. You don’t have to attend meetings.
  • You can contribute to our projects, newsletters etc. via email without attending


Participation in Patients’ Voice offers you a way to give your perspective. It is free, interesting, convenient and rewarding.

Why not give us a try? Come along and meet us close to one of our surgeries on one of the following dates:


June 25th, 7 - 8pm. New Parish Hall, Hall Grove, Opposite Moorlands,

June 26th, 7 - 8pm. St Francis Church Hall, Church Road (off Parkway)


We look forward to seeing you



friends and family
8th Apr 2024

Coping with Dementia: Thursday 16 May 2024

Dementia Awareness Week 13-19 May 2024

Event: Coping with Dementia 

The above event will be repeated after last year's successful first event in the village of Welwyn. This year the event will be held at the Focolare Centre, on Parkway next to St. Bonaventure church. The event starts at 10am with a Dementia Friends Information Session and the main thing starts at 11am, with speakers and lots of information and people to learn from.

We look forward to seeing those of you who are interested there.

8th Apr 2024

Diabetes Webinar: April 17th 2024

There is a free Diabetes Webinar coming up in a couple of weeks; given by NICE it covers current and future medication for both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. I t will be of interest and support for recently diagnosed and established patients with diabetes.

It's free to attend. All you need to do is book a place at:

It’s on April 17 from 7:00-8:00 pm

Join us for a deep dive into the world of diabetes medicines, exploring current treatments and exciting future developments!

22nd Mar 2024

Prescription Requests for 2024: NHS App - Going Live April 2024

Dear Patients,

Please see our joint newsletter with our Patients Voice.' It is about the new way to request your repeat medications from the practice. We hope you find this way more efficient than the previous system.
We would like to encourage all our patients to download the NHS App to be able to request their medications, view their notes and investigation results. 

Thank You
Hall Grove Group Practice.
22nd Jan 2024

Practice Update: eCONSULT Platform Opening Times


Dear All,

Our eCONSULT platform will be open from 08:00 to 11:00 Monday to Friday. From time to time due to the volume being recieved we may need to close it earlier to be able to action the incoming eCONSULTS. Please use this platform for requesting appointments. If you do not have access to the internet you can contact the surgery and our reception team will help you complete one over the phone.

After 11am all patients have the following options available:

1. If you deem your problem to be clinically urgent for the same day and you can not wait to complete an eCONSULT the next day - please ring the surgery and you will be placed on the Duty Triage List. Your will recieve a call from the oncall team who will either be able to help you on the phone or bring you in for an examination. We do not offer a walk in service. 

2. You can still ring to book an appointment with our allied health professions during the day: Physio, Mental Health Nurses, Social Prescribers, Pharmacists and Practice Nurses.

3. You can visit your local pharmacy for help for minor allignments.

4. You can visit the QE2 Hospital - Urgent Treatment Centre

5. You can use NHS 111: Online or Ring 111 for medical advice. 

In an emergency please contact 999. 

Thank You

Hall Grove Group Practice

4th Jan 2024

Practice Update: 04/01/2024


Dear Patients.

Happy new year to you all.

If you need help from your GP or another member of the practice team, we are open every weekday from 8am until 6.30pm, except for bank holidays when we are closed. Please contact us if you have a health condition that needs checking or an illness that won't go away.

We will continue to open our eCONSULT platform from 8am everyday. We wil naturally need to turn the platform off once capacity has been reached like we did in December during those sets of  Junior Doctor Strikes. When the eCONSULT platform is closed, please ring 01707 33 22 33 to be put on the Duty Doctor Triage List for a call back if you problem can not wait til the next day.  

Junior doctors will be on strike from 7am on Wednesday 3 January to 7am on Tuesday 9 January. This means that all NHS services, particularly hospitals, will be under severe strain. But please don’t put off seeking medical help if you need it. Here is a reminder of what local services are available:

  • The NHS has lots of advice to help you to look after yourself when you have minor symptoms. There is also information about what is a serious medical emergency.
  • If your child is feeling unwell, the Healthier Together website has advice about some common symptoms, how to look after your child at home and when to get further help.
  • Drop in to a pharmacy for health advice or information about your medicines. A pharmacist can help you to deal with a cough, cold and lots of other winter illnesses.
  • If you need help urgently, use NHS 111 online ( or call 111. Your symptoms will be assessed, and you will be given advice or an appointment to see a doctor or nurse if this is needed. NHS 111 can also send an ambulance and can book an appointment for you in some services like urgent treatment centres. Using 111 online means you won’t have to wait on the phone.  
  • If you are in a mental health crisis, call NHS 111 and get straight through to mental health help by selecting option 2.
  • You should call 999 in a life-threatening emergency. Life-threatening emergencies are different for adults and children.
  • QE2: Urgent Treatment Centre is also available to be used. When to visit an urgent treatment centre (walk-in centre or minor injury unit) - NHS (
  • Do not visit anyone in a hospital or care home if you have recently had diarrhoea or vomiting. Stomach bugs are easily spread, make already ill people very seriously unwell, and can lead to whole hospital wards being closed. Please wait 48 hours after your last bout of sickness or diarrhoea before visiting anyone who is vulnerable.  

More information on these services and self-help advice can be found at: 

27th Dec 2023

New Partner starting at Hall Grove Group Practice

We are pleased to inform all our patients that we will have a new Partner - Dr Amar -  starting with us on Tuesday 2nd January 2024. He will be working full days on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

We look forward to welcoming him to our team to work with us to continue to offer the services we provide to all our patients.

Thank You.


Hall Grove Group Practice

24th Dec 2023

Junior Doctor Strike: Wednesday 3rd to Tuesday 9th January 2024

Dear Patients,

 We remain committed to training the next generation of GPs. As an accredited training practice we have approximately 13 doctors from Foundation Year 2 to GP Registrar level being trained up during the year. 

Unfortunately, with the pending Junior Doctor Strikes starting on Wednesday 3rd January until Tuesday 9th January 2024- this is going to put a natural strain on our services. We will be reviewing if we have the capacity to operate eCONSULT during this time on a day to day basis. We will be working alongside our allied health care professionals within the practice to continue offering our clinics. We expect demand to be high so please bear with us during this time. 

As always, you can continue getting help via 111 online or calling 111, visiting your local pharmacist or QE2 Urgent Treament Centre. 

Thank you in advance for understanding. 

Hall Grove Group Practice

30th Nov 2023

NHS APP: Now Live

Dear Patients,

All patients will now have access to information via the NHS App. Once you have downloaded the NHS App, registered and verified your identity you will be able to request your medications, view your notes, view your blood tests results and also do an eCONSULT for medical and admin related enquiries.

From January 2024 we will be moving towards asking all patients to request their medications using the NHS App. For those who do not have a mobile device, you can log into the following website: for the same functions. 

Thank you.


Hall Grove Group Practice

18th Nov 2023

Accessing GP Appointments Update

Dear Patients,

To summarise how to obtain an appointment:

Clinical Appointments/Administrative Queries 

  1. For our allied health care professional appointments (Pharmacist, Social Prescriber, Mental Health Nurse, Physiotherapist & Practice Nurse appointments) please either complete a clinical/admin eCONSULT or ring the surgery - so our reception team can offer you an appointment with them.
  2. At the beginning of the day, we will release any available Book On The Day appointments. These are used up quickly and we have noticed that these are also being booked into, in advance due to clinical need requested by the GP. 
  3. We would like all our patients to utilise the eCONSULT platform for your administrative and clinical needs. We currently work towards actioning a response for Clinical eCONSULTS before the end of the day and Admin eCONSULTS within 5 working days.
  4. If you call and we have no available appointments our Reception Team will signpost you to the Hall Grove Surgery Website and advise you to submit an eCONSULT.
  5. If you do not have the internet or ability to go online - our Reception Team will complete one for you. To improve our phone line access we hope to encourage point 3.
  6. eCONSULT Opening: We are aiming to keep the platform open as long as possible during the day starting from 8am. Unfortunately due to the volume submitted and also the number of staff on the day (impacted due to sickness) we will need to switch it off earlier.

Chronic Condition Review Appointments

  1. Please visit eCONSULT and click on the tab re: Conditions Review. We will review the information supplied and get you booked with the most appropraite health care professional to complete your review.
  2. Ring the surgery and request a Chronic Condition Review appointment (for example - Diabetes). 

Home Visits

  1. For house bound patients who need a visit, please contact the surgery before 10:30am to be added to the visiting team list for them to call and discuss your clinical condition.
  2. A visit will be confirmed by the visiting team. This can be done by a doctor from the surgery or a clinician from the Acute Inhouse Visiting Service (AIVS).

Phone Lines: Access

  1. Our phone lines continue to be open from 08:30 to 18:30. We have a call back system so there is no need to wait on the line. Once you activate the call back option, please note that if you were to ring back the surgery this call back option is subsquently cancelled.
  2. We are activitely encouraging all our patients to use eCONSULT for both clinical and administrative aspects so that the phone lines can be free-ed up for those without internet access. 

Other organisations

  1. Enhanced Access: Spring House Medical Centre (Evening and Weekend Appointments) - we have a weekly quota of appointments to be used. If you prefer appointments during these times please add this information onto an eCONSULT or when speaking with the reception team request this.
  2. Urgent Care - the UCC QE2 is open from 8am to 10pm. We will divert you to the UCC if that is the most appropriate place to obtain care. Please click on the link for more information.
  3. Your local pharmacy can help you with minor alignments.
  4. Help can be reached also from NHS 111, either by calling 111 or online.

"For a suspected heart attack, stroke or any other serious or life-threatening illness or injury in an adult or a child, always call 999 immediately."

We will continue to review our access in line of our patients needs. We would like to you review your experiences via NHS Choices or informing out PV (Patients Voice Group) or in writing and handing it into either surgeries.

Thank You

Hall Grove Group Practice 

Accredited Veteran Friendly
16th May 2023

We are an Accredited Veteran Friendly Practice

Dear Veterans,

We are pleased to announce that we a formally an Armed Forces veteran friendly accredited GP Practice.

Please find 2 links below for more information.

20th Sep 2022

Joint Newsletter produced by Hall Grove Group Practice and The Patients' Voice - Business As Usual

7th Sep 2022

What's going on? Have your say. Get involved!

Interested in being part of the steering group to voice your opinions about your GP Surgery. We are looking for new members to work with the practice to further enhance the services provided and take on feedback from the experiences of our patients.

Thank You. 

Hall Grove Group Practice & The Patients' Voice 

Patients Voice Leaflet

2nd Aug 2022

Extended Access - Appointments Monday - Sunday Available

Dear Patients,

We would like to make all our patients aware of the Extended Access (EA)Service Hall Grove Group Practice continues to offer during the following times at Spring House Medical Centre. 

1. Monday to Friday between 18:30 to 20:00

2. Saturday 08:00 to 16:00

3. Sunday 08:00 to 14:00

You can book face to face or telephone appointments with a GP, Nurse or Clinical Pharmacist. 

How to book? Please either complete an eCONSULT and in the comment box please write you would like an EA appointment OR ring the surgery on 01707 332233 and request one over the phone. 

Spring House Medical Centre,
Ascots Lane,
Welwyn Garden City,
AL7 4HL.

For more information please visit:


Thank You


Hall Grove Group Practice


15th Jun 2021

Concerned about your information being shared? What you need to know

UPDATE: 19 JULY 2021

The implementation of GP Data for Planning and Research has been deferred to provide more time to speak with patients' doctors, health charities and others. (Source NHS Digital)



Patient data from GP medical records kept by GP practices in England is used respectfully, securely and safely every day to improve health, care and services through planning and research, helping to find better treatments and improve patient care.  Data collected by the NHS is only used for health and care purposes. It is never shared with marketing or insurance companies.

The NHS is planning to introduce an improved way for GP practices to share information about patients- called the General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection.  News of these plans has caused some concern to some of our patients, who have decided that they don’t want their data to be involved.

We have now been informed that no data will be shared in this new way until 1 September this year.  This delay is to enable the national organisation NHS digital to clearly explain their plans to the public and health professionals, as well as to thoroughly investigate any concerns that have been raised.

Any requests received by the practice to ask to be ‘opted out’, will be added to your record.  This will not affect your own care.

To find out more about how and why the NHS securely collects and uses data, please go to:

About GPDPR (General Practice Data for Planning and Research):

How information about you is used:


Options for Opting out:

a) Opting out of NHS Digital COLLECTING your data from your GP medical record (Type 1 Opt out) form click here

The form needs to be returned to the surgery by 25 August 2021 to allow for processing.

All forms received will be recorded on to your medical record.   We are unfortunately unable to confirm the processing on an individual basis.


b) National Data Opt-Out (opting out of NHS Digital SHARING your data) from NHS organisations

You can register a National Data Opt Out via

If you do not have access to the internet you can also make or change a choice for yourself by phoning the NHS Digital Contact Centre.

The phone number is 0300 303 5678 – Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).

24th May 2021

Changes to Hospital walk-in blood test service

Blood tests, requested by GPs, now have to be booked online for the following hospitals: Hertford County Hospital, Lister Hospital and New QEII.

You should book your appointment using the link

If you are unable to book online, please call the phlebotomy team on 01438 284044 9-5pm Monday - Friday.  To complete the booking, the team will need to know the hospital where you would like to have the blood test, your NHS number, name, address, date of birth and phone number.

If you do not know your NHS number it will be on your latest prescription or there is guidance on the NHS website to find your NHS number.

Cancel out cancer
22nd Feb 2021

Cancer Awareness

If you have a symptom that could be cancer, the NHS is here to help you.

These symptoms include:

  • Changes in your bowel habit
  • Blood in your poo
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • A lump
  • Persistent bloating or stomach ache that goes on for 3 weeks
  • Pain that does not go away

Finding cancer early can make it more treatable contact your GP Surgery.

The easiest and quickest way would be to complete an eCONSULT now and we will get back to you by the end of the next working day.

New opening hours for QE2 hospital urgent care centre from 11 January 2021. 8am to 10pm.
12th Jan 2021

New Opening Hours for the New QEII Hospital Urgent Care Centre

6th Oct 2020

Practice Update: Hall Grove Group Practice Zero Tolerance Policy

The Practice staff shall always show due respect and courtesy when dealing with patients and their representatives. We respectfully request that patients and their representatives do the same when dealing with members of the practice team.

The NHS operate a zero tolerance policy with regard to violence and abuse and the practice has the right to remove violent patients from the list with immediate effect in order to safeguard practice staff, patients and other persons.

No form of aggression (whether verbal or physical in nature) will be tolerated - any instances of such behaviour on the practice premises may result in the person being reported to the Police and removed from the practice’s List of Registered Patients.

Violence in this context includes actual or threatened physical violence or verbal abuse which leads to fear for a person’s safety. In this situation we will notify the patient in writing of their removal from the list and record in the patient’s medical records the fact of the removal and the circumstances leading to it. Warning letters will be sent out to patients if deemed more appropriate first before subsequent removal from the practice list.

We hope this policy will be respected in full.

Cancel out cancer
5th Oct 2020

Cancel Out Cancer

We would like to inform all our patients about this very important campaign that we would like our staff and patients to take part in. Please click on the leaflet which shows some highlights from the campaign.

Please click on the link if you wish to look at an outline of the booking arrangements, you can find them here

Thank You,
Hall Grove Group Practice

4th Aug 2020

What is Patients’ Voice and how can it help you?

Patients’ Voice (PV) is a group of patients and carers who offer the Practice their support, time, and life experience to represent patients’ views to the benefit of the Practice and its patients through delivery of health services. We seek to understand the constraints within the NHS that the Practice faces and work with them to improve delivery of primary care through the surgeries at both Hall Grove and Parkway. Further, PV are interested in helping patients understand their conditions and will produce simple information documents to signpost where people can find help. We are mindful of carers’ needs and we lobby the Practice to support them.

Please go to the Patients’ Voice section from the main page of the Practice website, to see how we can help each other to achieve this. We wish to expand the PV members group to represent the needs of patients of all ages. The larger and more mixed the group the more significant and representative we become of patients’ priorities.

Please sign up and join us. You will receive emails from PV to keep you informed of what we are doing and to seek your feedback, and you will also receive the Practice Newsletters by email. We want you to have your say. Just go to the Patients’ Voice section of the Practice website:

Carers in Hertfordshire
3rd Jun 2020

The Carer’s Champion Bulletin - June 2020

2nd Jun 2020

Public Health England

Immunisation helps to protect you from disease

2nd Jun 2020

Public Health England

Immunisation helps to protect you from disease

2nd Jun 2020

Public Health England

 Immunisation helps to protect you from disease

12th Feb 2020

Practice Newsletter

two plastic containers filled with food
15th Jan 2020

New Opioid Prescribing Policy At Hall Grove Group Practice

Please Click here for more information.

7th Nov 2019

ASK 111

Click on the link below to be directed to 111 ONLINE

6th Nov 2019

Notice about eCONSULT at Hall Grove Group Practice

The eCONSULT platform will be available for 24 hours a day 5 days a week Monday to Friday. It will close at 18:30 on Friday each week and use will re-open on Sunday at 18:30. After 18:30 on Friday you can contact 111. NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. 

a hand holding a cell phone
24th Oct 2019

New Text Messaging Services: Bringing patients and their health team together (AccuRx)

If you have not already supplied the surgery with your permission for us to send you text messages with results or medical information please contact us so that we can update your records. If you would prefer not to receive text messages from the surgery regarding results and other medical information please let us know and we will remove you from our text list.

Please remember to update us with your mobile number when it changes.

We hope this new service continues on improving the communication between our doctors and patients.

1st Aug 2019

eConsults is now here at Hall Grove Group Practice

Hall Grove Group Practice is proud to be the Champion Practice for online eConsultations in our locality. Our vision is to offer the right appointment at the right time with the right person for all our patients. We are using  eConsult who is a company which provides online consultation tools as well as self help. Buy clicking on the various links on this website you will be taken to their website to complete the eConsultation which then will be sent back to the surgery.

We go live on the 10th September 2019 for an initial 6 months trial. 

"Hall Grove Group Practice privacy notices can be found in the patient information tab. For more information about the eConsult privacy notice please visit ."

a book sitting on top of a wooden table
15th Jul 2019

MSK Physiotherapist & Social Prescriber

Hall Grove Group Practice are proud to announce that we now can offer appointments with a MSK Physiotherapist and Social Prescriber. We welcome these new members into our team.