Clinics We Offer

a hand holding a cellphone

Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Diabetic Clinics

These clinics are held regularly and are run by the doctors or by the practice nurses.  Please enquire at the reception. We encourage patients with these conditions to attend these clinics once a year to be monitored and ensure such patients are on the correct treatments. 

a woman looking at the camera

Antenatal Clinics

To be referred to the hospital antenatal clinic you can self refer (see self referrals page) or see a doctor in a routine appointment (the first midwife led appointments occur around 12 weeks into pregnancy). There is a midwife who sees our patients at Hall Grove for many of their routine appointments during the pregnancy.

a hand holding a toothbrush

Child Health Clinics

Advice on child health care and routine examinations to check that a child is developing normally are carried out by doctors and health visitors.  Please do not bring children who are unwell to these clinics.

a young boy eating a banana

Child Immunisation Clinics

Appointments for immunisations are by computer recall. 

Please call reception if you need to change your appointment.

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Family Planning Clinics, Cervical Smears & Menopause Matters

We offer a full range of contraceptive services including the fitting of implants and coils.  Two of our practice nurses are fully trained in family planning and can give advice on all methods and arrange prescriptions. 

We offer Emergency Contraception - Please contact the surgery as soon as possible and let the receptionist know OR complete an eCONSULT form so that we can prioritise you.

We also offer cervical smear tests which can be arranged with the practice nurses.  There is a written recall system in operation for cervical smears for women between the ages of 25-65 years. 

Menopausal and would like more information about treatments including HRT? Why not book in with our experienced Nurse Kate who also runs these clinics.
Visit for some online information. 

Flu Protection Clinics

Flu vaccinations are available from late September for those patients who may be at special risk e.g. sufferers from chest or heart trouble, diabetes and kidney disease and for everybody who is aged 65 and over.  We also advise protection for patients taking certain drugs e.g. Steroids and Cancer drugs. If you are unsure whether you are eligible for a flu vaccination please discuss with the doctors or nurses.

We run special flu clinics on four designated Saturday mornings during Autumn.

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Minor Surgery

We are able to perform minor surgery under local anaesthetic within the practice. Most commonly for cysts that have been infected and ingrowing toenails.

In addition Dr Parry and Dr Benfield perform joint injections. These are done in normal appointments.

a man wearing a blue shirt

Pneumonia Vaccine

Pneumonia vaccine is now also available to some groups of patients.  Please ask at reception if you are eligible.

a little boy wearing a hat

Postnatal Clinics

After delivery six week checks are carried out by a doctor in the weekly postnatal clinic afternoon (and this is run at the same time as the child health clinic for baby checks). 

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Smoking Cessation Clinics

Our nurses will help patients stop smoking. Please enquire at reception if you are interested.