Data Protection and Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice for online consultations: eCONSULTATIONS

To assist us in our delivery of online direct care services to you, we use external organisation e- Consult. Patients registered at this practice can access the secure e-Consult portal via our website. With your consent, e-Consult will process the data you provide and submit your completed consultation back to us for our review and action. Once received, the practice will become data controllers of the completed online consultation, which will become part of your medical record and processed as outlined in this privacy notice for the purpose of providing direct care services to you.

Information about how e-Consult processes your data can be found in their privacy notice:

To ensure compliance with data protection and other relevant legislation, we have a contract in place with e-Consult to ensure your data is protected and used for the purposes outlined in the privacy notice.

In the event that the practice receives an e-consultation where the individual is not registered at the practice, contact will be made to inform the individual of options available. Where the individual is unable to be contacted or will not registering with the practice, the e-consultation data will be destroyed in accordance with our retention policy. Further information can be obtained from the practice.