Mental Wellbeing

Mental Health wellbeing concerns for over 18yr olds
DID YOU KNOW: you can refer yourself to the Wellbeing service if you have had any of the following symptoms:
- feeling low
- feeling stressed
- not sleeping
- feeling lonely
- feeling fed up and tearful
- feeling anxious
- feeling worried all the time
The support is offered in different ways including workshops, online self-help, guided self-help ( with telephone support) and individual sessions.
Call 0300 777 0707 between 8am and 7pm or 01438 843322 between 5pm and 8am;
or CLICK ON THE IMAGE ON THE LEFT to take you to the self referral page
If you need to speak to someone urgently whilst waiting for your appointment you can ring Mental Health Help Line on 01920 443900 in hours and 01438 843322 (7pm till 8am), or Saneline on 0300 304 7000 (between 4.30 and 10.30pm), or Samaritans on 08457909090 or 116123 (freephone, 24 hours, 365 days
a year).
Behaviour or Mental Health wellbeing concerns for under 25 year olds.
DID YOU KNOW: Your child/ teenager can access counselling via their school. For children/young people attending school you should contact school SENCO/Family Support Worker and request a Families First Assessment. You can also contact Families First directly on 0300 1234043 or
Young people can also use confidential online counselling service at or face to face counselling at Rephael House…There is also The Mix- free confidential multichannel service for under 25s.
For a young person can register anonymously on line and access help.
For Rephael House Youth Counselling you can ring 0208 440 9144 or 07922 141 39 or check out
For the Mix ring freephone 0808 808 4994 7days a week 11am-11pm or go to
There is support for parents and carers available on line and via telephone from Young Minds tel 0808 802 5544 and from NSPCC
professional counsellors 24/7 for parents worried about their child 0808 800 5000,
Another website for parents .