Hall Grove is a training practice which means that we have doctors working with us who have not qualified yet as independent GPs (they are always qualified doctors).
Normally we have one ST1 (specialist training year 1) trainee who does a 4 month attachment with us as part of their early GP training, and two ‘registrar’ ST3 (year 3) trainees who spend 1 year with us as the final part of their GP training.
The ST1 trainees have 20-30 minutes per appointment. The receptionist will tell you if the doctor you are booking with is an ST1 trainee. You may have to factor this is when planning your appointment.
Every trainee has one of the practice doctors supervising them during each session. Consultations are discussed at the end of the session and the trainee may also ask their supervising doctor for advice during the consultation.
Being a training practice improves the standard of care provided within the entire practice. The trainees ask a lot of questions, keeping us on our toes! The trainees also bring enthusiasm and latest hospital practice.
From time to time student doctors and nurses are also taught in the practice and may accompany your doctor. If you would find this embarrassing please tell the receptionist on arrival.
Video Recording
On occasions both our own doctors and GP Registrars are required to videotape a sample of their consultations for training purposes. These would only be viewed by other doctors and are destroyed after a period of one year.
The reception staff will inform you if this is taking place and will ask for your written consent. If you change your mind after the consultation you may ask for the recording to be deleted.